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£4,500 per term    (£13,500 per annum)

​Fees are due on or before the first day of term.  Please note that any reminders that have to be sent out because of late payments will incur a £25 administration charge, per reminder. A deposit of a £1,000 is payable on acceptance which is held by the school to be offset against the final term’s fees.

There is a reduction of 10 per cent per term for second and subsequent siblings. Additional charges will be made for any individual private lessons, small group lessons and after school clubs. Pupils are responsible for their own examination fees and text books.  Parents will be billed accordingly.

The school reserves the right to increase the fees whenever necessary.

To withdraw a pupil, one term’s notice must be given in writing to the Headteacher failing which a full term’s fees will be charged.  To withdraw a pupil from Year 9, 10 or 11 two term’s notice is required.

Payment of Fees

Prior to the beginning of every term, an invoice detailing the fees due will be sent.  Fees are payable in advance in respect of each whole term.

In the case of new pupils, where the invoice is sent after the beginning of a term, the fees must be paid within seven days of the receipt of the invoice.

children on swings

Theatre School
