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Launch of SchoolTV at The Susi Earnshaw Theatre School

Posted: 2nd March 2023

Categories: News

We are excited to announce that we have partnered up with SchoolTV, a platform for parents and carers to provide an extensive range of resources, to ensure better wellbeing for all our pupils.

As such, I would like to introduce you to this new resource which is gaining much attention in education communities and one that I feel is of particular value to parents.

Parenting does not come with instructions, so this wellbeing resource now implemented at our school, will assist parents in navigating the challenges of modern-day parenting relating to youth mental health and wellbeing, resulting in happy, healthy, and resilient young people.

This outstanding resource delivers credible information with practical strategies from trusted sources through easy-to-understand video interviews by leading specialists, supported by a host of aggregated resources from key organisations.

In a nutshell, SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource that assists parents in staying informed, empowered and up to date to better support young people to thrive!

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